Thursday, July 29, 2010

A weak WAC Thursday

Gib Arnold receives from pixels from Fox's Jeff Goodman here -- scroll down a bit.


"...It's a culture that is nasty, inebriated and civilly doesn't give our fans the respect that any fan should expect when visiting an away team..." -- Boise State president Bob Kustra speaking about the followers of the Idaho Vandals.

Not only are the Idaho faithful upset but The Spectrum-ites in Logan feel left out. ;-)

1 comment:

LiveLifeLoud said...

Haha you know that was exactly my thought when I read Kustra's bashing of Idaho's fans. I was a little disappointed that we (Utah State) weren't mentioned as the mean, frenzied, and uncivilized fans that Boise State's junior college-level academic elites were sooooooo much above.