Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Furthermore on Reggie's latest

Yes, anyone connected to the 'net can become a blogger as no expertise is required and there are no certification tests to pass. Like most things in life, that's good and bad. It's a democratic medium. Thankfully.

We've certainly read our share of cringe-worthy posts and comments on blogs and message boards, including some -- ahem -- self-inflicted ones.

We've also learned a great deal from the posts and comments of others.

For us, it's a matter of determining (with all the inherent biases and prejudices involved in doing so) who is educational and who isn't. Spending time with those selected, while dipping one's mind into the shallower end of the gene pool now and then in search of a nugget or two, is our method of operation.

Now we don't know who Reggie Theus specifically had in mind or how he came up with his percentage of blogging cheek stabbers but he was a beloved figure (and still mostly is) in Las Cruces. His short time with the Sacto Kings seemingly reflects more on the decison-making of the Maloof brothers than anything else. So personally, Reggie is actually a fairly unscathed figure in the sports blogosphere.

This is really a nothing story and, yes, we are perpetuating it (which is our fault). Mea culpa.

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